Украинская Лига Логистики и Складирования
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ULLW Rules for inclusion to and exclusion from its members 

According to the article 4 of ULLW Charter (approved by the ULLW Board, protocol #1, dated 31.07.2006)

1. The Membership in the Organization can be individual or collective.

2. Physical entities are included into the members of the Organization on the basis of personal written application and according to the decision of General Meeting. Inclusion into the collective members of the Organization is conducted by the decision of the General Meeting of all the members of Organization based on the appropriate resolution of a future collective member in a written form. The grounds for this inclusion into the members of the Organization is the application fee / resolution of the General Meeting of all the members of Organization and the payment of the entrance fee. 

3. Individual members of the Organization can be citizen of Ukraine, foreign citizen and entities without citizenship over the age of 18.

4. The members of the Organization can also be the collective members, namely: companies, firms and organizations’ collectives, who approve the Charter of Organization, timely and in full amount pay the entrance and membership fees, provide different support as well as material, organizational or other aid for the resolution of different issues our Organization faces. 

5. The members of the Organization have a right to:
  • Elect and to be elected to the managing positions of the Organization and to take part in its work;
  • Participate in all the events conducted by the Organization;
  • Make proposals having to do with the operations of Organization;
  • Address the Organization for help in rights and legal interests’ protection;
  • Obtain information about the activities of the Organization;
  • Freely leave the Organization by providing a written request.

6. Organization members must:
  • Keep the Charter of Organization;
  • Actively participate in the implementation of Organization goals;
  • Do not conduct the any activities that can harm the Organization;
  • Keep to the moral and ethical principles of the Organization, do not be involved in any activities contradicting them.

7. The members of Organization can be excluded from it for violating the charter, noncompliance with their obligations and other actions negatively influencing the work of the Organization.

8. Decision about the exclusion out of the members of Organization is taken by the General Meeting of all the members of Organization with at least 2/3 votes of all the present members.

Conditions of inclusion into the ULLW members

To be become a member of the Ukrainian League of Warehousing and Logistics it is necessary to:

1. Provide all the following documents:
  • application letter to the Board of ULLW on the corporate letterhead of your organization (according to our form)
  • letter of guarantee
  • information-characteristics about the activities of your company for a previous year (in a free form)
  • the copy of a company state registration certificate
  • the copy of the certificate of registration in the statistic bodies

2. Transfer the payment of entrance fee and membership fee to ULLW account:
  • entrance fee – 1000 UAH
  • annual membership fee – 5000 UAH

ULLW members’ advantages:

1. Participation in specialized international conferences with a special discount;
2. Participation at ULLW Logistic School training seminars (10% discount);
3. Professional training according to FIATA system and other international programs with a special discount;
4. Assistance to League members in getting acquainted with the leading international developments in the field of logistics;
5. International training seminars and site visits organization;
6. Rising the recognizability of League members’ trademarks due to the systematic PR on ULLW website, periodicals, mass media;
7. Obtaining a wider access to the pool of potential client;
8. Assistance in providing highly skilled logistics specialists for ULLW members;
9. Providing discounts for participation in ULLW events – exhibitions, seminars and conferences;
10. Annual subscription for «Transportation and Logistics» magazine (free of charge);
11. Presentational block at the «Transportation and Logistics» magazine (free of charge);
12. Placing advertisements in «Transportation and Logistics» magazine (10% discount);
13. Consultations of the leading logistics specialists;
14. League members rights’ protection in different international

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